Monday, March 06, 2006

The Wheels Are in Motion

After reading responses on last night's rally by those still in the dark, I pondered about the anti-government contribution to the cause and came to a conclusion for myself.

This country belongs to 64 million other people--people who are below average, people who need to see the truth, or even if they heard it, they wouldn't be able to differentiate whether it's true and untrue, people who lack the ability to think, and people to whom money means everything. And what if this country went in the same direction as Argentina did, they wouldn't complain because they couldn't tell the difference anyway.

The majority of those who came to the tyrant's public rallies are uneducated peasants, low-life thugs, and the ignorant. They are willing to sell their votes to crooks. They never want to stop the crooks from stealing their inheritance and destroying the country. How could a small minority of educated urbanites go against the strong current?

I pity these ignorant people. But should I go through hardship for THEM?? Should I give my life for the better Thailand so that THESE pitiful and stupid people and their children could live?

My answer is "No, I shouldn't." These people are not worthy of my sacrifice. And I have just made up my mind that if the majority of the people want the tyrants and the crooks to run the country, let them. If the country will eventually be bankrupt and become foreigners' properties, let it be. After all, the wheels are in motion. Everything has been in place ever since this evil prime minister assumed the position more than 5 years ago.

I also feel sorry for the minority. They have to endure ridicules, threats, and insults, not to mention dark forces. May they all be protected by their goodness and good deeds.

I am in my mid 40s, single, and extremely well educated from one of the best schools in the US. My family has served this Majesty for 3 generations, in total honesty, loyalty, and without a single blemish. My ancestors could have done something crooks usually do if given the same circumstances, but they never did. My sister never does it, either. To me, that's a lot more than a lot of people can do for this country. I have no descendant. There's no one I will leave behind to face the future hardship of this country.

My conclusion is whatever will be will be. From now on, I will relax, and though I will still support the anti-Thaksin movement, I will no longer put my life down for the ungrateful and unrepented low-lives. Before all the bad things the present government have been doing take effects and before these pitiful people experience the horrible consequences of the wrongdoings of their "chosen" leaders, I will no longer be here. I will have either died or moved to some other place before then.

I admire those who keep on fighting. They have so much at stake. I have nothing. I am a citizen of the world. Wherever help or knowledge is needed, there I will be. All I need are a leader in whom I can believe and the chance he/she is willing to let me serve.

Best wishes to the Thais.